Sunday 27 November 2016

This is the Maya remake of my stop motion 'block interaction' in Maya. Following the feedback that I was given from my initial animation, I was able to improve upon many of the aspects that were critisised, from both an technical and a story point of view. From a story point of view, people claimed that the block who was being crept up on didn't react realistically when turning around, as the second turn was exactly the same as the second, meaning that the block is not at all suspicious or phased about the approaching block. The way in which I have solved this issue, is by making the block turn around quicker the second time, and have it pause for longer. I also added an extra turn for the block, to make it seem as though it is trying to catch the other block out. From a technical point of view, I made the dash from the creeping block at the end a lot quicker, in response to my criticism that I gave myself last time, and now I think that the dash looks a lot more heavy. Also, the eyes from one of the blocks were removed, as I thought the story wouldn't have been clear without them, but after watching the remake without the eyes, I can conclude that the eyes weren't necessary, showing how you can make a story using only very basic assets. I am very pleased with how this has turned out, and I had a lot more fun producing it, possibly due to the increased preparation that was made. Below is the bar sheet for this animation.

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