Tuesday 1 November 2016

Animation Context - Week 6
'Gestalt' Animation


As I previously mentioned, as part of our 'Expert in the Room' task, we were also required to make a piece of artwork or animation regarding our phrase/word. I decided to focus my animation on the 'Figures and Ground' aspect of gestalt, as I saw an opportunity to trick the observers via framing, which couldn't have been done with a piece of still artwork. I planned to produce a stylised and short video of a simple graphic image, which is zoomed out in and out of twice, with each zoom out relieving the graphic image to be apart of something different, therefore showing how different people can view things to resemble something else.

I wanted to create my own 'Figures and Ground' image, but after playing around with different silhouettes, I couldn't manage to create a object which can be preserved as more than one thing, so I had to turn to implementing my idea towards an already established and well known image. I was disappointing with my inability to produce something of my own, but am thankful that I can take an already excising image and expand upon it and bring it some more life.

I felt that the video was a bit too bland for my taste and relied too much on reading to be really engaging, so would have preferred to communicate what I set out to in a more effective way. I gave a very simple animation to the human figures by making them hi-five eachother to add a bit more liveliness to the piece. I animated this by separating aspects of the bodies and keyframing them in there desired positions, this didn't turn out as well as I hoped as certain body parts overlap eachother, ruining the illusion, but this technique is one that I definitely think I can expand and improve on further in the future.

I like the design and colour scheme that I have chosen and everything is laid out pleasantly, but I think the favorite aspect of this piece is that it loops, therefore could be constantly playing for anyone to look up and observe at anytime to get the full story.

I am pleased with the final result, though I still feel like I should have created my own 'Figures and Ground' image, as appose to recreating, animating and presenting an already existing one. The main thing was that I took an unknown topic, and applied a moving image to represent it, which I feel I have done reasonably well.

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