Tuesday 29 November 2016

Animation Context - Week 8

After researching our chosen animation related topic (which in my case was storyboarding), we were tasked to create a poster regarding our chosen area, whilst limiting ourselves to only 5 words. The first idea I had was to lay out the poster as a storyboard itself, and have one of my own characters walk the observer through the stages of creating a storyboard. However, I eventually decided against this idea after realising that due to how storyboards are typically laid out and paced, there would be too many panels, and therefore would not make an appealing and clear looking poster. I did eventually add two of my own examples of storyboards in the final piece however, one of which was a scan of my storyboard for my media film project back in college, and the other was one that I mocked up for this piece, using two of my own characters in a simple situation, to show how movements are recorded on a storyboard. Both of these can be seen at the bottom of the poster. The rest of the poster consists of images of storyboards which I found the most visually appealing, the clearest and the most informative, scattered around in a collage style. For the five words to include, I decided upon adding words which are essentially what a storyboard should include, and the qualities they must have, as I found that would be the best way to quickly inform first years about this topic, as requested by the brief. The words in question are; Movement, expression, clear, dialogue and composition. For decoration, I added a boarder and some of my own typography consisting of yellow and purple (complimentary colours), to attract more attention. When deciding upon the style of typography, I decided to go for a loose and condensed feel, relating to the type of sketching typically seen within storyboards themselves.

In conclusion, I feel as though I have kept to the brief, and the research prior to the creation of this poster was essential. However, after seeing and reviewing the rest of the work, I feel disappointed that I didn’t include enough of my own content in there, as some others were entirely made up of their own content and I would feel a lot prouder of my work if that was the case with mine. When presenting to the rest of the class, I feel as though I improved (judging by my self-feedback on the ‘gestalt’ presentation), but there is still room for improvement.

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